VSA's 1st Bake Sale!

VSA held our very first fundraising event of the semester.  Tommy Le, our fundraising chair, decided upon making many different flavored cupcakes and brownies!

Linh, Jeanne (creeping), and Tommy slaving away in the kitchen.

Baking is a very time-consuming process, but VSA being the cause, we knew all the hard work would be worth it. Despite the hard work, we worked as a team and had lots of fun making the cupcakes. :)

Our fundraising chair, Tommy Le, in his natural environment. What a (wo)man.

Elise and Steve making a poster for the Bake Sale. Steve is channeling his inner flower boy.

 vanilla, pumpkin spice, and red velvet cupcakes

chocolate and chocolate/peanut butter brownies

At the bake sale. Failure to align ourselves. It's okay doe.From top to bottom: Christine, Vannida, Vanessa (me), Linh, and Jeanne!

Christine and I, being Asian!

Treat yourself!

Vannida, Steve, and Tommy manning the table. 

VSA would like to thank everyone who came out to the bake sale to support and those who helped make it happen! Overall, the bake sale was a success, we sold all of our cupcakes and brownies! Check our facebook, twitter, and blog for updates on future fundraising events (Temple Vsa)!

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